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Public Housing for Low Income Earners

Housing for most people is the largest expense they will pay each month. In recent years, it has become especially challenging for many people to pay for their housing needs. The costs of housing have sharply increased, leaving many people unable to afford their monthly rent. Finding a new place to live is not always the answer, because the prices have gone up around the country. One option that people may want to consider is turning to public housing for low income earners.

Public Housing Defined

Many people are not familiar with what public housing is in America. Public housing is typically housing units that are owned by the government. They may be owned by the federal, state, or local government. The government owns the housing units for the sole purpose of giving people who have a low income a place to live. If they didn’t own any housing units then it would be more difficult for people to have found affordable places to live.

Some housing units are apartment buildings, some are mobile homes, and still others are single family homes. Around the country, there are many different public housing options. These housing units are available to those who have a low income, including people are single, families, and senior citizens. There are also housing units available for people who are disabled and need help finding an affordable place to live.

How to Apply for Public Housing

The public housing program in each state is run by the office called Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Every state in the country has a HUD office. You can contact your state’s HUD office to inquire about the public housing program and to apply for it. They can provide you information about the public housing options in your area, as well as information about other helpful programs they provide.

To get more information about the public housing program offered in your state, contact your state’s HUD office. To find a list of HUD offices around the country, click here.

Additionally, you may find information about public housing options in your area by contacting your local public housing authority office. Each state has public housing authority offices, which is part of the state government. There are also many cities that have their own office. Contact one of the offices near you to inquire about the options for housing in your area and how you go about applying to get one of the units.

How Much Public Housing Costs

Those who are struggling to pay for their housing and who earn a low income may be able to get approved for a public housing unit. Those who meet the low income requirement guidelines and are approved for one of the government owned units will pay a portion of their income toward the monthly rent.

The amount that one pays for their monthly rent when they live in a public housing unit varies, but it is typically around 30% of your income. For example, if you earn $1,000 in a month, then your monthly rent would be $300 per month. Whatever your total monthly income is then you would pay a flat rate percentage toward your rent. This ensures that you continue to afford rent, but still have money left over to live. The rest of the money that you make each month would help pay for other basic needs and living expenses, such as food, transportation, etc.

Who Qualifies for Public Housing

To qualify for public housing in America, you have to meet low income guidelines. The government will review your earnings each year, along with your assets. You cannot own a lot of assets and qualify for the assistance. If you qualify for housing assistance you may also qualify for other helpful programs through the government, including those that provide free food, help pay energy bills, health care assistance, and more. Be sure to inquire about all the programs you may qualify for.

Alternative Options to Public Housing

Similar to the public housing program, the federal government also offers a program called Section 8. This program is named so due to it coming from Section 8 of the Housing Act that was passed in 1937. It is a program that provides public housing and vouchers to people who have a low income.

If you have a low income, whether you are an individual or a family, you may qualify for the Section 8 program. This would help you obtain an affordable place to live and be eligible getting help paying for your monthly rent. Another name for the Section 8 program is the Housing Choice Voucher program.

The difference in the voucher program and the public housing program is that the voucher program will help you pay for the rent on places the government doesn’t own. You can find your own place to live, as long as it meets their safety standards, and they will provide a monthly voucher to help you pay for the rent. The public housing program provides a government owned unit for you to live in.

Many people use both programs, although some prefer to go with the voucher program so that they have more options when it comes to choosing a place to live. Ideally, you may want to see what is available in the area that you live in, so you can choose the program that works the best for your situation and family. Both programs will help ensure that you have an affordable place to live, no matter what area of the country you are in.

More to Know

The good news about programs such as these is that there are no limits on how long you can utilize them. If you are approved for the program you can continue to get help as long as you meet the guidelines. Plus, you never have to pay the funds back. Any of the help you receive through this program is considered a gift and does not have to be paid back.

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