Having health insurance is pretty much a must for anyone. The problem, however, is that it is not something that the government provides to the citizens in America, as they do in some other countries. Therefore, people are pretty much on their own to find and pay for health insurance. This leads many people to search for the best health insurance when you have low income.
It is estimated that over 25 million Americans have no health insurance at all. This is largely because they cannot afford it. They are a group of people who fall through the cracks, figuratively speaking. They make too much money to qualify for any government assistance for health insurance, but they don’t make enough money to afford paying for their own health insurance.
Those who have no health insurance will have to pay for the total expense of any health insurance bills that they acquire. This can be quite costly. One trip to the doctor could cost hundreds and a few hours in the hospital could be thousands. With this in mind, most people search for a way to obtain some health insurance, even if they have a low income.
Government Health Insurance
There are around 92 million Americans who qualify for Medicaid, which is a government health insurance program. Those who have Medicaid will be able to get the healthcare they need, including for prescriptions, hospital stays, and doctor visits. The government will help pay for the healthcare bills that people get from getting healthcare.
To qualify for Medicaid you have to meet the low income guidelines set forth by the government. There is no limit to how long you can get Medicaid if you are approved. As long as you continue to meet the requirements for the program you can continue to get the government health insurance.
The low salary guidelines are $45,000 for a family of four. This means that if your family income is under that then you may qualify for government insurance. If your yearly salary is over that then you may not qualify. You may be able to get some credits toward the health insurance that you purchase through the Marketplace, but you will have to pay something toward your health insurance.
To get more information and apply for the Medicaid program, click here.
Finding Affordable Health Insurance
If you don’t qualify for the free government health insurance, Medicaid, and you want to have insurance, you will need to purchase it yourself. Start by registering with the Marketplace to see what type of health insurance rates you are offered. This will give you the best starting place for finding affordable health insurance and you can determine the best policies once you start comparing them.
The Marketplace is a government website where you can register to get quotes on health insurance plans. It is a system that was put in place by the Obama administration. Each year, during open enrollment period, you can register on the website and get quotes from multiple health insurance providers.
The open enrollment period for the Marketplace starts each year on November 1. Starting on that day, you can create an account on the website, and complete the questions asked. The system will gather a variety of information about you and your family and then will provide you with numerous quotes for health insurance. You will be given a variety of rates and health insurance plans to consider.
The open enrollment period ends each year on January 15. You have a period of two and half months each year that you can get quotes from the health insurance companies in the Marketplace. If you miss that period you will have to wait until the next one, or go through an independent insurance provider outside of the Marketplace.
Once you get the quotes from the providers in the Marketplace, you will need to compare them to find the best health insurance when you have low income. Consider the monthly payments, yearly deductible, co-pays, etc. Make sure you are comparing what each one offers, rather than simply the total monthly fee. Some may have considerably high yearly deductibles, so you want to find one that you can afford and that will provide you with the coverage you and your family need.
To get more information and register with the Marketplace, click here.
Additional Options for Health Insurance
Beyond Medicaid and the Marketplace you still have other options. You can contact independent health insurance providers to see what rates they offer. Many will help you find several options to consider and try to find you affordable rates, especially if you have a low income.
Another option is to check with any trade groups that you may belong to. For example, if you are a writer, photographer, baker, etc. You may be able to join a trade association for that type of profession and get health insurance. Trade groups often get group plans for their members, since many of them are independent contractors.
Those who are working may also want to check with their employer to see what they offer. Even if they don’t pay for the health insurance, they may have access to plans that are more affordable. This is because they may be paying for some plans for some people in the company, and the more people who purchase a plan, the more affordable the rates are. Find out from your employer if they can provide you with access to good health insurance for an affordable rate.
In addition to these options, you can also check with local healthcare providers in your area. Some of them may offer their own health plans that are affordable. For example, a clinic may offer a monthly membership rate. If you become a member then you would get access to a certain number of visits per month that are included in the monthly rate. There are many doctor offices and dentist offices that provide this type of program to help those who have a low income or do not have other health insurance.
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